Tin Seminar

Seminar Toán ứng dụng và Giải tích: Optimality conditions and sensitivity analysis in parametric convex minimax programming.

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2023

Báo cáo viên: NCS. Đặng Thị Ngoan

Thầy cô kính mến,

Thời gian: 8h30 ngày 22/4/2023, NCS. Đặng Thị Ngoan sẽ báo cáo seminar tại VPK Toán-Tin.

Tên báo cáo: Optimality conditions and sensitivity analysis in parametric convex minimax programming.

Tóm tắt báo cáo: In this talk, we present the optimality conditions as well as sensitivity analysis of parametric convex minimax programming problems. The main tools used here are the formulas for computing the subdifferentials of maximum functions under some suitable regularity conditions. More precisely, we use these tools to study optimality conditions for the problem under consideration. These results are then applied to obtain optimality conditions for multiobjective optimization problems, which constitute the first part of the talk. In the second part, we derive formulas for computing the subdifferential in the sense of convex analysis and singular subdifferential of the optimal value function of the problem in question.

Kính mời thầy cô tới dự đầy đủ.

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